TwiCall installation instructions

professional telephony system for bitrix24 platform made on twilio

  • Global carrier infrastructure
  • Exceptional call experiences
  • Pricing that reflects your business needs
Full overview of TwiCall

Install application from marketplace

How the application is installed

Install application from Bitrix24 marketplace

On this page you need to enter data from Twilio: 

  • Account SID
  • API key SID
  • API key secret

Go to you Twilio account

On main page find Account SID and copy in any text file. You will need that in a future.

Go to API Keys

On top right side of main page, in search box type "API Key" and click on founded menu item

Click "Create API key"

Click on "Create API key" button to create API

Create API key

Enter any name for API key you creating and click on button "Create API key" to create

Copy SID and secret

Copy and past in any text file keys from field "SID" and "Secret"

You should to have such file by the end

By the end of all above munipulations you should to have such file with three keys

Select check box and click Done

To finish creating API key

Enter in TwiCall three generated keys

And click "Install" buttin

You now in TwiCall setting page

After installation of TwiCall you should get in TwiCall setting page

Download Google


Download Google
Extension on you PC

Unzip file

You should have files inside of the folder "twicall-chrome-ext-.."

Open Manage extensions

Open Manage extensions in Google Chrome

Select "Load unpacked"

Select "Load unpacked" to open extension folder

Select unziped folder with Google Extension

Select unziped folder with Google Extension you downloaded from our web-site

Then click "Select"

Then click "Select" to upload Google Extension to your browser

TwiCall should be in a list

TwiCall should be in a list of available Extentions

Pin TwiCall in Manage Extensions

Open again Manage Extensions and pin TwiCall

Go back to TwiCall settings page

  1. Select the phone number you want to assign to a particular user. You can assign one number to many users.
  2. Then select user from the list
  3. Click button "Save"

Copy "Authorization key"

You need that key to copy in TwiCall extension

Enter "Authorization key" in TwiCall

1. Enter "Authorization key" in Google Chrome extension TwiCall

2. Then click Log in

Click "Go online"

1. To start using TwiCal

2. For each user you need to setup his own "Authorizaton key"

Congratulations!!! You did it!!!